Friday, February 6, 2009

New Semester, New Pet, and NEW Nephew!

Yes, she's back! Some of you may have noticed three new posts that you hadn't seen before... and yes, they are from the dates they claim, I simply just hadn't posted them because I wanted to have some pictures... WELL, no pictures, but hey at least you know I'm still alive!

SO this semester started off pretty normal- Nothing going on but parties and recruitment for my business fraternity. My class load is lighter (just 12 credits/4 classes) AND a lot more interesting, including a hospitality class titled "Beverage Management", of which I am ONE of only two students in the class that are not a hospitality major... why is it so hard to get into this class? WELL, the teacher is great, the workload is nice, and I think that being able to taste wine and spirits in just about every class might have something to do with it as well!

Yes, this appeared to be a normal semester, but something different was definitely going on... see, I live with 5 guys which yes, are just fabulous and all, but I needed something else... and if you know me well, you know where this is heading! While up in Spokane visiting Rich before coming back for school, I drug him around to every shelter in the area looking for the perfect orange cat. With no luck there, I decided to continue my search in Pullman (still dragging Rich around with me), and began at the Pullman Humane Society. Now this place is a bit small, so I didn't expect to find anything there. I checked out the cats they had in this old bus-converted-cat shelter outside, but decided to ask them whether or not they had any kittens. No, i wasn't exactly looking for a kitten, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask... right? WELL, they had 12 kittens. 6 were orange.

All were adorable , but I finally decided on ONE that stood out because his markings were the darkest orange of any of the other kittens. I instantly purchased him, got the necessary supplies from the local store, and took him to his new home. It took a few days for me to decide on a name, but Milo (pronounce my-low) finally stuck. The name came from one of my favorite childhood movies, Milo & Otis, which it seems like most of my friends had seen or atleast heard of, EXCEPT Rich... fun fun. I guess we'll just have to have a movie night. Anyway, he was 3 weeks old when I got him and now he's 2 lbs heavier and almost 7 weeks old.. crazy how they grow! Pictures will come... :)

SO- that's the main excitement in my life right now, but it's honestly nothing to what's happening on the west side of the state! On Monday, January 26th my first nephew Benjamin was born. I'm very excited for my brother and sister in law and hope that all is well in their second week with Ben. I'm sure Mckenzie is just loving her baby brother too- congrats to you guys! Two birthdays in the same week! Crazy fun- look for a package from Pullman in the week to come!

That's all for now- it's a sunny (but cold) Friday and Rich and I are planning on heading to his parent's house in Spokane today so that we can get an early start tomorrow for Schweitzer, snowboard all day, and make it back in time for Saturday night parties in Pullman.. talk about fun!