Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's Your Passion!?

Since I seem to always apologize (to what few readers I have) about not writing in so long, I'm going to just bypass that paragraph all together... So I have ADD (or something like it).... rediscovering this blog is like opening a present on Christmas- it's a surprise every time :)

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what I truly enjoy doing but for whatever reason, finding the answer to this question has only gotten harder in recent years. As early as I can remember when my parents or teachers would ask my what I wanted to be, I would proudly tell them "a Veterinarian!" and then proceed to draw hot pink cats every chance I got a hot pink crayon in my hands because I loved cats (and hot pink) THAT much. Now while my love for hot pink has seriously faltered, my love for cats hasn't. SO, why am I not in the middle of my 1st year of Veterinary School at WSU!? Simply because of an evil feeling known as pessimism... as I grew up, I learned that Veterinarians had to help multiple animals instead of just cats. Then I learned that the schooling to become a Vet took at least 9 years... THEN I learned that I could indeed specialize in cats but that would take additional years of schooling beyond my initial 9. Then I learned about the limited career options I'd have with that degree.... and so on and so on. I know I don't lack motivation so why did these reasons stop me? Why didn't I at least try and take the initial classes to see how it went!?

These questions bug me... often. I've come to realize I just wanted a 'normal' college experience and was fearful of the result of a 9 year program, but that just bugs me even more. Since when do I care about normal? What IS normal? What am I really passionate about now?

This is a happy post, really, just read on!

The last of those 3 questions has become a new goal of mine to answer. Here's a list of some new things I've recently taken on:
-Obtaining my Private Pilots License
-Traveling more (sadly just in country but it's a start)

Gardening couldn't have gotten underway if it wasn't for my apartment's "Pea Patch" (gardening area for residents on a first come, first serve basis) and my dad's knowledge on the topic. I've planted lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions, thyme, and ... yea, I definitely don't remember the other herb... Anyway, I plan to plant some basil seeds as well once it warms up a bit. I'm starting to see some green in my garden but it’s small... so I'll take some pictures in the future when I'm ready to harvest :)

Cooking has been an adventure- it's like "What can I cook from scratch on a limited budget and with little to NO kitchen tools/gadgets!?" Needless to say I usually end up with a VERY messy kitchen and have to wash some measuring spoons, cups, and mixing bowls multiple times just to complete one meal. Still, it's been fun and I've been seriously considering taking some cooking classes to learn more.

The Private Pilot license idea definitely got started because of the industry in which I work. However, I work in finance, far removed from the airplanes we build, so the idea of learning how to fly one sounded like a great idea. Note to self: level of motivation to attend class and complete homework just a few MONTHS after graduating from college is very low... but I still passed! The teacher was great and had some fascinating stories (those definitely helped). I plan on starting my flying lessons within the next few years, but because of the financial commitment it's a little low on my list of priorities... still, it's going to happen!

Traveling... who doesn't love it!? I'll tell you who, my boyfriend who grew up in a military family and traveled every 2 years... so a "hey honey lets get away for the weekend" kind of conversation converts to ‘she wants to go camping to drive to somewhere in the state’ while I am thinking Cali... Mexico... Wyoming!? Just anywhere! However, since graduating I've been fortunate enough to enjoy a week long vacation to Kauai with my parents where my mom and I tried out all kinds of things together (power hang gliding, zip lining, biking along the coast, and kayaking/hiking to a secret falls). Another thing I have been fortunate to have is great friends who are far more adventurous than myself and actually left the state after college (what a concept!). Today I leave for Alaska to explore Anchorage & Seward before driving up to Denali to visit my good friend Brittany who works for a hotel just outside of the park. For any of you who haven't heard of Denali just know that it's supposed to be a fantastic experience in the great outdoors. A GIANT untouched national forest that is only accessible by a bus that drives through the park each day. I can't wait! Other travel ventures likely to happen this year: Vegas (my first time!) and hopefully New York (again, my first time!).

So in all, I’m realizing that it’s extremely hard to figure out what I am passionate about and what I want to do the rest of my life… but learning/experiencing these new things are truly adding a new kind of joy to my life!

So what are YOU passionate about!?