Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Whistle while you work...

It's mid-June in the Seattle area and we still are having March weather.. no joke, when will the sun ever show? I'm really not one to complain about the weather because in all honesty I love the rain, but after hearing that it SNOWED in Pullman yesterday.. yes... SNOWED, I feel that mother nature needs to give us a hand. Plus, I look like Snow White and could really use some color, but that's besides to point I suppose-

OH summer.. my last true "summer break". How weird it is to think I will be starting my final year of undergrad in a couple months! I truly wish it would get here faster, because if there's anything that I've learned in this first month of my break it's that work just isn't my thing. I know, I know.. I'm crazy, right? I have a fabulous internship with Boeing, working with a Program Management department of Alteon training, but the desk job idea is hard to get used to.. I am really beginning to appreciate my International Business major and the doors it could open. I'm very greatful that I have another year left to really decide just what I want to be doing...!

So what else have I been doing this cold start of summer? Well I'm living in Seattle with my sister and brother in law in the house my mom grew up in-- random, I know. It's been nice spending so much time with them (and playing video games with Chris :D ). On top of that, my sister is currently 38 wks pregnant so we're expecting my neice Claire just about any day now.. talk about exciting!

I've been touching base with close friends, seeing family, meeting other interns, and craziest of all, attempting a healthier lifestyle (let's be honest, bar food and cocktails at college just don't cut it.. haha). Every summer I seem to go in this cycle of realizing how busy I need my schedule to be in order to be myself and just be happy. Luckily I'm working on getting my schedule packed and up to speed, but even after hearing it snowed in Pullman yesterday, I want more than anything to be able to go back.. yes, I'm crazy, but what can I say, I love WSU.

SO, here starts my second blog. I hope to post more interesting stories than boring highlights of my day to keep family and friends entertained and in touch because that seems to be harder and harder these days! Enjoy the rest to come- :)

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