Saturday, December 20, 2008

One Down, One To Go

Yes, I know... I started a blog and then proceeded to write nothing... My excuse? I'm in college, what did you expect? :D

To recap this semester in a few words, it FLEW by. I mean one minute I was recruiting for my business fraternity while still buying textbooks and the next, I was packing up to head home for winter break. While it was a blur, it was still a fun one, so here are some things worth mentioning (well, at least in my opinion... I get pretty excited over simple things):

---My living arrangement (me + 5 guys) might as well be called a sorority. They never do chores, a few whine and moan over the dumbest things, and are completely obsessed over the opposite sex (yet they'll never agree or admit it).

---While most can't, I think that I can teach an old dog new tricks... why? Because Rich, my boyfriend that had never gotten a girl anything before (and who is half redneck and half stubborn as all hell), got me flowers and made me a CD to celebrate the 6 months we had been together (OR, in my words, the 6 months I'd put up with him and taught him how to treat a girl :D )

---Living out of my sorority house has had it's up an downs... while I don't know ANY of the freshman and really have a hard time keeping track of what's going on there, it helps me see who are my "real" girl friends here at college... it's rough, but hey it's life.

---As much as I LOVE road trips, I need to first always consider who I'm going on a road trip with.... so, that when you're on your way to Denver but find yourself in the middle of the Rocky Mt's first snow storm of the year, you won't have to break up fights or keep your cool when you wake up to find that you're now on your way to Bismark, North Dakota... fun.times.

---No matter HOW bad our football team is, the Apple Cup still matters, and I couldn't have asked for a better senior year game. THANK YOU huskies for still being worse than us... and GO COUGS!

---I have gained a HUGE appreciation for HEAT (5 cheap guys > than 1 girl, so the heat did not get turned on until after thanksgiving, as in after multiple freezes and snow)

---I apparently get better grades as each semester passes... 3.66! Woohoo-

OK- so maybe more has happened that is worth mentioning, but I simply can't remember ANYTHING, so this will have to do. I honestly can't believe that I just have a semester left... what the hell am I gonna do!? AH!

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