Thursday, July 23, 2009

Livin' in the Big City

Mid-afternoon on a weekday and what am I doing? Sitting in my pj's posting a new blog... Yup, I love having so much downtime, but I am definitely ready to get going with the rest of my life! Now 3 weeks in, my apartment in Seattle has been great and I'm loving the fact that almost everything is a short walk or a bus ride away. For you older Washingtonians, you may know Pioneer Square as a slightly scary neighborhood, but I will be the first to tell you that this part of town has definitely gotten better. SO much better in fact that I am feeling completely safe and comfortable living here. While my place is small, I enjoy the fact that it has forced me to get rid of belongings I REALLY don't need. Some pictures to give you a good general idea of the place are below (sorry they're blurry, my flash was off):

Living area you see right when you walk in the door.

Continuation of the living area with part of the kitchen counter showing.

Right side of kitchen, viewed from living area.

Other side of kitchen- lots of storage! :)

Hallway that is just to the left of the front door. In the photo, the double doors are the washer/dryer and more storage, straight ahead is the bathroom, and to the right is the bedroom.

Bedroom with double door closet showing. In the left corner of the room (which you can't see) is just our dresser and mirror.

The views! All of these can be seen from our three windows since the place is small. The above left is a view of the Columbia and Smith Towers that you see if you look UP. the above right is a view of a tree blocking the Alaskan Way Viaduct and a small water view that you see when you look LEFT. The photo below is the building next to us, which you see if you look straight out- it's a lot nicer of a view then just a brick wall! :)

SO there you have it- my ~600 square feet of joy. Richard and I are living together to help share the costs which has been REALLY nice since I wouldn't want to be renting a place in Seattle on my own. Milo doesn't seem to mind the place, especially since it has such high ceilings, allowing for some high shelves on top of the kitchen cabinets that he can jump to and watch everything from. Rich works in Renton so he has many routes to pick from to get to work (I-90, I-5, Rainier Ave or Martin Luther King Way) and I will be working at Boeing's Bellevue location starting TOMORROW so it will just be a straight shot for me down I-90. I'm not too sure if I'm excited or bummed to be starting work already, but I do know that I feel really fortunate to have gotten such a good job. I have many amazing and smart engineer, science, and business degree friends that have not been able to land a job yet, or if they have, it's dismal at best. I hope my good fortune continues as Rich and I explore Seattle more and get used to the big change from college to the "Real World". I can't wait to see what happens!

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